Shao Qiwei, Vice Chairman of IMTA, gave a speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of IMTA Headquarters

time:2019-11-15 22:15 author:王纯娣
Dear ChairmanMr.Dominique de Villepin, dear Vice GovernorMr. Lu Yongzheng,Secretary- GeneralMr.He Yafei, dear IMTA council members and IMTA members, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.
Today, members of IMTA, leadersfrom Guizhou Province and relevant parties, news media and friends from all walks gather in Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone to witness the inauguration ceremony of the International Mountain Tourism Alliance headquarters building. Here, on behalf of IMTA, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the guests and express my heartfelt thanks to the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Government, the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the relevant departments and institutions of the provinces and cities that provide strong support for the construction of IMTA headquarters building! Also, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the inauguration of IMTA headquarters building!
Since its formal establishment in 2017, the International Mountain Tourism Alliance has always been guided by ecological civilization, adhered to"protecting mountain resources, preserving mountain civilization, promoting mountain economy to the benefit of the people living in mountainous regions", gathering the strength and wisdom of its members, carrying out mountain tourism exchange and cooperation, experience sharing, industrial docking, and achieving positive results. IMTA strives to build a business docking platform and promote cooperation among members, members and other entities; the research of theWorld Mountain Tourism Development Tendency Report has achieved phased results, and the alliance should play the role of experts and scholars in mountain tourism and related fields actively, and promote itself to make greater progress in mountain tourism research; "International Mountain Tourism Day", "Dialogue among Famous Mountains in the World"and other creative brands have gained great international reputation, and gradually become an important platform for extensive participation and cooperation in the field of mountain tourism.
The inauguration of IMTA headquarters building has laid a good foundation for the construction and development of the alliance and created a good working condition.The headquarters building shows the international and professional image of IMTA which will also bring new power into the future development of the alliance.Relying on specialized areas such as conference exhibition, academic research, exchange and training, the headquarters building will become the home of IMTA members and the exchange center of international mountain tourism, providing professional services for all members and becoming an excellent space and platform for members to exhibit, exchange and cooperate. Relying on the agglomeration effect of the headquarters building, IMTA will better integrate the high-quality resources of mountain tourism and promote the industrialization development of mountain tourism, thus pushing the international exchange and cooperation of mountain tourism to a new stage of development.
The IMTA headquarters building was inaugurated on schedule, which is inseparable from the strong assistance and support of Guizhou provincial people’s government, Guiyang municipal government and relevant departments. In particular, I would like to thank Guizhou Provincial People’s Government, Guiyang Municipal Government and Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone. I would like to thank Vice Governor of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government Mr. Lu Yongzheng for his long-term support and help to IMTA. IMTA is willing to take advantage of the opportunity of its headquarters located in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, to strengthen cooperation with Guizhou Province in the promotion and investment of mountain tourism and evaluation of mountain tourism resources etc., to promote the sustainable and high-quality development of Guizhou's tourism industry in the new era, and jointly compose a beautiful new chapter of world tourism!
Thank you!
Inauguration Ceremony of IMTA Headquarters Building


Thematic activities
