Panama's "Golden Waterway" ushered in new opportunities for ecotourism

time:2024-02-29 17:13 author:IMTA

The Panama Canal, known as the "Golden Waterway", is regarded as a "miracle of engineering", and the majestic locks built of reinforced concrete are considered the symbol of the canal. The Gatun Lake area was originally a valley covered by tropical rainforest. After the canal was filled with water, some peaks emerged from the water and became green islands, making it the largest artificial lake in the canal valley.

Source: Panamanian Tourism Authority

In order to protect the water resources and animal and plant resources of the canal, the Panama Canal Authority has implemented a river valley vegetation restoration plan since 2001, and has planted more than 5 million trees by the beginning of 2023. The abundant natural resources have gradually made the canal valley a popular destination for ecotourism.

Editor Ⅰ: Zhang Wenwen

Editor Ⅱ: Wu Dan

Editor Ⅲ: Liu Guosong

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