Alaska丨the United States

时间:2023-03-02 10:39 作者:IMTA

Alaska is what Americans call a place where "the old must go, the young should not." For the old must not miss the beauty; The young, on the other hand, will always be disappointed to have been elsewhere.

Alaska is still cold and inviting in spring, where you can see flowers and snow mountains, and enjoy the aurora at night and the spring light by day.

Alaska, a place full of dreams and dangers, is a place that Americans themselves do not easily enter but are fascinated by.

Although it lacks Europe's famous flowers and exquisite scenery, the wild and bold appeal of North America is fatal. Spring here from March to June, the day gradually lengthened, snow slowly melt, Alaska ushered in the busiest season, there will be more than 20 hours of daylight.

As the number of tourists increases, the unknown but colorful splendor at the foot of the snowy mountain beckons you to come.

